
Wednesday, December 05, 2012

He Comes Anyway

My kitchen table is littered with the remains of breakfast, half decorated little Christmas trees, used tea bags and papers from backpacks that I needed to see before they rushed out the door.  My floor is decorated with cheerios and kitchen towels and the odd sock.
can you see him there, coming on the donkey?

 But He comes anyway, right into the middle of my mess. Just like He came into the mess of the stable.

He comes, bringing the promise of a little more mess.  Just like when He broke forth from the womb of that young woman...because birthing a promise is messy business.

Jesus didn't come to tidy up my life and make it look perfect.  He came to expose my mess so that I might turn to Him.

Jesus came to eradicate my mess and bring me all shiny and new and clean into His kingdom.

Jesus came so He could usher me into His Father's presence in the most beautiful sparkly gown you can imagine.

right in

right into my fears and worries He came

right into my failures as a mom and money-manager, He came

and He keeps coming, like a relentless tide, He comes and tumbles me under His waves of love and security and acceptance and polishes off the barnacles of greed and selfishness and pride...

He just keeps coming.

This season of His coming is for us to pause and celebrate that coming...when Love came down and walked among us and pursued us...


  1. Merry Anyway! Oh yes precious Sister...He comes right into our mess with His Message and all of a sudden the thing of earth grow strangely dim.... Love YOU!

  2. Lani, those are beautiful, messy words. Thank you.

  3. "When Love came down" - that says it all!


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