
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Believe Some Encouragement is a Good Thing

This hasn't been the most encouraging week for me.  Things have been hard in our tribe and I am trying hard to move from feelings of failure to receiving the grace that is mine.

Last night my farmer/shepherd planned a lovely 'in-home' date and played the following song for us to dance to.  What an amazing encouragement to my weary, deflated soul...
take a listen, I think you will be encouraged, too.

And then this one:
Blessings, have a beautiful day!


  1. This Kutless song is one of my favorites. I agree--very encouraging. Prayers for you for peace and blessings in abundance, Lani!

  2. loved listening to those selections. Praying for you, today, Lani. Yes, grace is yours and mine. I want to choose to receive it more!!

  3. thanks so much for sharing these songs!! Music can be such a lifter to the soul!
    praying for you today, friend and looking forward to dreaming God-sized Dreams with you!! :)

  4. What Faith Can Do by Kutless is one of my favorite songs. It's so uplifting, no matter how down I feel.

  5. Praying for blessings for you!

    In His Grip,


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