
Friday, January 04, 2013

5 Minute Friday {Opportunity}

It's time to join the writing flash mob over at Lisa Jo's!!  The rules are simple:
1. Write for 5 minutes on the topic, no editing or criticism....just write
2.  Link up your post HERE (or just write on paper....)
3.  Go encourage a few other FMF-ers!!

Today's Prompt:  OPPORTUNITY


New year.
New thoughts
New goals
New hopes
New dreams
New opportunities

Every year brings the turning of the page, blank, fresh, like a new snowfall with no footprints.  I love the new year.  It feels like a chance to start over.

I have the OPPORTUNITY to repaint my entryway after an explosive temper took out the bulletin board that had been there for decades...leaving a beautiful brown box on the white-ish wall.  I could be mad about the destruction but I'm looking at it as an opportunity to change something that probably could stand a little freshening up.

I pray that I can use that set of eyes this year...looking for opportunities rather than seeing the disappointment, the hurt, the failure.

I want to see opportunity for new friendships, new ideas, new ___________________.  I don't even know yet.

If it isn't working KEEP MOVING FORWARD...bring along some grace and see the opportunity for Jesus to pour through the situation.


Five Minute Friday


  1. Beautiful, Lani. So thankful that God allowed me the opportunity to meet you!!! Stay warm!

  2. A very good attitude to have, though I know it's difficult in your situation with your child (having read your brief bio). What color paint are you going with?

  3. Oh, Lani, you are such an example of grace in difficult situations. This is beuatiful. I know that the moments that you find yourself in might be extremely trying, to put it mildly, but your attitude is hard won. Thank you for sharing bits of your life with us.

  4. Beuatiful. Thank you for sharing bits of your life and your grace with us. I know the moments you find yourself in may be extremely trying, but your attitude and perspective area wonderful example for me.

  5. Yes! I love this perspective! Thank you for the encouragement!

  6. I'm thinking maybe the blue paint I used in the kitchen...if I still have any left. OR if anyone knows of a color that hides dirt but is still light so that it isn't a cave...that would great.

  7. I love the part where you're open and looking forward to the unknown (for now). May you be alert for the many new opportunities, big & small, in 2013.

  8. Lovely! Been meaning to pull out carpets (rumor has it they cover hardwoods) and repaint here for a LONG time! Maybe I will find the opportunity, and energy, to see those projects through this year!

  9. Wonderful words! Thank you for sharing today - praying you can make the most of every opportunity that God brings your way this new year.


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