
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Taking a Plunge: Introducing: Button Beauties

I am sticking my neck out a little here on the blog and reaching for one of my dreams at the same time.  All because I am a sucker for a challenge!! {In November Kelly challenged me to wear skirts/dresses for 30 days just to see if I noticed any difference in my attitudes, etc.  I couldn't resist so I did it.} 
But that is not today's challenge or post.  Last night he challenged me to see if I could make $300 in one week.  A little spending money for our trip (dream #14). If you're not sure what I'm talking about then you can read about it over here - my crazy God-sized dream. 
Disclaimer:  I cannot make 10 dolls in one week...well maybe I could but my family might wonder who the crazy woman is and why they aren't getting fed and have no clean clothes!

He thought maybe I could do something through writing but I'm pretty certain the publishing/writing world just doesn't move that quickly.  For some of my longest readers...remember the 'fresh flowers journal

Before Christmas, however, a young friend asked me to make her some dolls for some little girls she knew.  She had a 'look' in mind and so I drafted a pattern and these little lovelies came to life, designed and produced by me.

Button Beauties

Some of you who saw the pictures on Facebook wondered if I would be making more.  So here's my deep breath plunge. (It appears I have a little issue charging money for things I make.)  I will take orders for 10 of these dolls (for now anyway, I feel that I could do that many in a reasonable amount of time).  I am going to charge $30/doll (if they need to be shipped that cost will be added on).

You can send an e-mail to me with the following information to help me craft your one-of-a-kind doll.  
In the subject line please put: "doll order"  

Then I need to know:
1. eye color (brown, green, blue, black)
2. a color that the little girl likes
3. preferred hair color and style (choose from straight, ponies (1 or 2) or up)
4. 'skin' color (dark, light)
5. any particular interests (these don't always have a bearing but as you can see, the 'Elizabeth' doll has ballet shoes and a tutu.  She was made for my own little dancer girl)
6. Delivery Date:  when does she need to be in your hands? (if you are from far away please keep shipping times in mind - and that I'm going away for 2 weeks in the middle of March!)

*the dolls are made using 100% cottons, acrylic yarns and bits of this and that :) 
*I use buttons and snaps and try to avoid velcro.  
*Each little girl has underwear to keep things modest!  
*They are 24" tall.  
*All the joints (legs/shoulders) are attached with buttons, just for fun!
*payment will need to be made before I will ship (I have a PayPal account and may just have to figure out how to use it!  However, cheques and cash (locally) are fine or money orders.)
*Theoretically they should be totally washable but I have not yet thrown Lizzy's doll into the washing machine (just being totally honest!)
Cost: $30 plus shipping

Let me introduce you to my girls!
This is Esme.
Esme has a pretty little headband with a hand-crafted flower.

Meet Mila.
Elizabeth - the ballerina!
I tried to get a good picture of her bun but it proved a little difficult!

UPDATE:  My cart is not yet full so if you would be so kind as to share this post on your facebook page or by word of mouth I would so appreciate it!!  If you share and someone you know decides to buy one, have them mention your name and I will send you a little giftie for your referral!!


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    AH! These are GREAT!!! Etsy here she comes!

  2. Belle wants one!! She thinks she'll buy one with her money. How much are they? I must have missed it. God speed in this venture :-)

  3. Lani,
    YEAH! You took the plunge, and the dolls are precious.
    I just can't wait to hear the praise report. Live your dreams, sister.
    Peace and good,

  4. Marcy they are $30 plus whatever the shipping cost is

  5. These are wonderful :) So cute and adorable!!

  6. How cute! I'll be sure to share this for you. Out of curiosity, How did wearing skirts or dresses go?


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