
Friday, February 22, 2013

FMF - My Mama's Hands

oh yes, today I must participate in Five Minute Friday because we get to go on about our mamas!  And I have one that I simply must write about.

Five Minute Friday is a community of people who simply write, unedited for five minutes on a given prompt. We all link up at Lisa Jo's and that's how it goes...


Introducing my mama...Maria.

If I can only talk about one thing about my mama, it must be her hands.  Those beautiful hands of hers who raised four children to love Jesus and serve.  Those hands that have cooked thousands of meals and changed thousands of diapers and grown endless numbers of vegetables and flowers.  Those hands that she uses to cover her mouth when she laughs.  Those hands that have sat at business meetings and recorded numbers in books and written out paycheques.

At a sewing retreat

 These are the hands that taught me how to be creative.  Those hands have pursued drawing, painting with oils and watercolors, ceramics, knitting, crocheting, and sewing, so much sewing.  She has guided me and so many of her grandchildren into straight seams and little blankets, doll clothes and quilts.

The quilt she made for my son when he graduates.  Each of her  18 grandchildren will receive one.
She sketches with her grandsons who love to do so.  She picks up creative pursuits to give as gifts, always encouraging them to try their hand at something new.

Those hands clap to the music they play and cheer through their sporting events.  Those hands have patted backs that needed comfort and smoothed out troubled foreheads.
At a concert we surprised her with for her 70th birthday.

My mama's hands are a gift that has never stopped giving.
At yet another crafty retreat...scrapbooking this time!



  1. And now I can see where you get your beauty too!!! What a neat tribute to your mom. Thank you for sharing this. But what is a paycheque. You must be from Canada. Hee hee!

  2. Hi! Popping over from Lisa Jo's site.
    How sweet! Our Mama's hands certainly have touched our souls. What a nice post.


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