
Friday, March 22, 2013

Five Minute Friday: {Remember}

It's Friday and I'm home and I have five minutes to write so guess what event I'm participating in?

That's right, 5-Minute Friday, FMF, Lisa Jo's party where she invites one and all to come and plunk down words for 5 minutes on a specific theme.  The rules are simple: write for 5 minutes, don't over think or edit, link up and then go encourage someone else by reading what they've written.

This deal is all about community and not about competition and it's just fun to get to it!  Today's prompt is:



It's already putting out to sea and it's only a few days.  The cruise is a memory now that we will remember forever, I hope.

On the CastawayCat from which we went snorkelling! (a whole story there)

It already seems surreal that we did that now that we're back in the middle of kids and schedules and parent/teacher interviews, planning and laundry and farming.

But remember? Oh yes, we will, because it was a life-giving moment in this season of crazy life.  We were poured into like we haven't been.  Poured into through the hands of the spa ladies and the kind words of elderly folks who shared their memories of life with us.
Waiting for the sunset at El Moro in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Filled up with the beauty of creation and music that stirs your soul.  I will never forget the blue of the Caribbean sea, the white, powder soft sand at Half Moon Cay. The site of the sunset on the horizon of glistening blue.

And the sweet moments that were just meant for us.
Our first formal night - we had some beautiful pictures taken (not this one) with Maja, such a sweet girl.

Twenty years of making memories together was celebrated by this grand voyage.  It has been such an adventure, an unforgettable one.

Oh my, that sand!!
And now we're home and sharing the adventure with those we love inside these walls, pulling them along with us, planting seeds that will sprout into their adventures and the memories they will one day share with us.



  1. What a great memory! Hope to be able to take a cruise like that one day. :) Visiting from FMF...

  2. Beautiful memories! I used to think I needed to spend money on things that would last, but the older I get, the more I realize spending money on experiences is just as important because memories last too.

  3. Love love love! Want to see MORE pictures!!!! So glad you had fun. P.S. Just say no to tuna!

  4. Wonderful memory.

  5. love the pictures of sun, sand and warmth!! I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever remember what summer feels like... hope it's coming soon! :)

  6. This sounds like such a great and special memory.

    As a newlywed, it's so exciting to see couples still enjoying their marriage several years in. :)

    Thanks for sharing.


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