
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Living a God-sized Life

You’re reading a God–Sized Dreams post. Each Tuesday, a team of God-sized dreamers writes on the progress of their dreams, spurred by the wisdom in Holley Gerth’s new book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You. This week’s question is: What’s a typical day in your life like right now? How can you see God’s hand in the middle of the “small” and ordinary too? (I borrowed this blurb from Mandy, cause it looked good and she's so smart! - go read her blog over here!)

The way my day looks and way I want it to look are vastly different.

What I want is idyllic and perfect.  Rising from my fragrant bed to happy children kissing their mother.  Delightful smells emitting from the kitchen by some miracle before I have awakened.  My husband would lead us in a rich, insightful time of scripture and prayer.

We would then gather around the table for learning together.  The dishes and laundry and cleaning and finances would all be taken care of in due time, nothing late, no debt and I would always look put together and well rested.

We would sit down to candle-lit meals prepared and beautifully presented with zero mess in the kitchen.  All would gladly bless their mother for her amazing talents in the kitchen.  After volunteering to do the dishes and tidy the kitchen the children would go off to practice instruments, study the stars and read Chaucer whilst my gentleman and I would entertain those who need our counsel and prayer.

(or some other awful sound to bring you back to reality )

More often than not the younger kiddos are all awake and reeking havoc in the kitchen while the teen-agers are fastidious in their need of a pillow.  Breakfast is most likely toast and cereal.  We do try to read the Bible and pray together every morning but often that time is punctuated with correction and direction to someone who is doing something that is less than idyllic.

Four of our kids go to the local public school and two of them study at home.  These two are mostly independent in their learning so my job is to be the whip-cracker and make sure they are getting their assignments in, there is not so much direct impartation of knowledge as there was when they were young, I miss that and am glad at the same time that it doesn't take up so much of the day, leaving it open for my dreamy pursuits.

My dreamy pursuits look a lot like trying to find the floor of the laundry room, cook something edible and find the piece of paper that my husband needs to go to the accountant.

Somewhere in the course of my day my heart longs to create.

To put words out there that might encourage someone.

To take fabric and thread and delight someone's senses.

To meld paper and glue and bits and pieces and encourage someone with a card or get down the memories that make our family what it is.

Some days I get to do those things.  I dream of being gracefully disciplined so I can do those things.  My purpose, my destination is to share with others what I have been given, whether that's in words, or fabric or paper, on a screen or in person.  Today I am going to go lead a Bible study that is probably more for my benefit than those of the participants because I so desperately need to learn these truths myself.

I am learning to make shorter 'To Do' lists and give myself grace for the day.  I am trying to impart that grace to my children and at the same time motivate them to reach high and believe they can do it.  Today I will probably get frustrated that they aren't moving in the direction they are supposed to (already did *sigh*), I might even yell at them.  I will do laundry and cook something.

And I will keep on dreaming and living this life that is a dream come true.  I am surrounded by the love of an amazing man, I have six beautiful children that love me (most days!).  I live in the country where I am surrounded by fresh air and an abundance of life, even though it is still covered by thick snow.

This is my God-sized life and I am blessed to live in it every day.  It may not be idyllic or perfect or even enviable, but it is mine and if I'm really honest, I love it.  Sure I would like to tweek it, take out some debt, put in some more downtime...but we're on a journey to that place and I don't want to miss a thing!

I am just one of many God-sized dreamers, please come on over to Holley's site and be encouraged by reading a few of my sister's 'day-in-the-life' accounts!


  1. I love reading about your life! I am so in awe of how you are able to get in so many things in in a day. I am glad to get a glimpse into your day sister dreamer. May it be filled to overflowing with God's blessings.

  2. The account of what your day looks like is beautiful. It's honest, worn-in and well-loved, like a perfect pair of jeans. We may not want to wear those jeans out to a party, but our everyday wardrobes center on them.

    I'm like you. There are certainly things that I would like to tweak to make my day really perfect... but I don't think perfect is ever fun, do you?

    Thanks for blessing my day!

  3. Lani,

    Hi you're the post beside me at the Dream God sized dreams link up:)

    And I couldn't be more glad because you are refreshing, real, and full of hope. God is using the little & small ways you are faithful to bless many. Your impact will be so much far greater than you can imagine!

    Blessings on this chaotic pursuit,

  4. Shorter lists and more grace, amen! That sounds wonderful, Lani:)

  5. I love your reality. It makes me feel normal and I am sure it does the same for others! People find grace in reality. I like your dream, too, though. ;)

  6. Thank you all for dropping by today!!

  7. We all have an idyllic dream of how our days should go but then we face the reality. The reality is what makes us so thankful when we do get a chance to experience that one small idyllic moment. Thank you for sharing your real day with us.


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