
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

another admission.........

I have hit the point in this pregnancy when I become impatient (and extremely uncomfortable). I just want to hold this baby in my arms, wrap a cozy quilt around her (I say her in faith) and put her to my breast. I want to see her face and tell her her name.

The reality is I've got somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks if all goes well. It seems like an eternity. The baby is sitting so low I can barely keep my legs together when I'm sitting down. My belly cuts off the circulation to my legs. Meanwhile those little feet are stuck in my ribs so I can't get a good breath to read to the kids. My hips just hurt, all the time... I promised myself that I wouldn't complain this is just the reality of life in my pregnant body.

A friend who just had her baby was at church on Sunday and I just couldn't hold him because I want so badly to hold my own, I knew it would just make things worse. He was a big boy, 10lbs 12 oz. that had to hurt.

anyway that's all for now...........


  1. I feel for you. My little one was in my ribs from as soon as she was long enough until the very end. It was like I was winded everytime I sat down. It's crazy to think that I will be there in a few short months. Then you can encourage me with the whole, there's light at the end of the tunnel, you won't be pregnant forever thing.

  2. Please stop by my blog and sign up under the anticipated blessings to add your name to our prayer list for expecting moms!


  3. Nevermind... I just realized you were signed up... sorry! (Pregnancy kills brain cells you know! tee hee)...


  4. Could you share your name with us, though so we can be praying for you more specifically?


  5. My name is on my post under your anticipated blessings thingy. I thought for a minute that I hadn't put it in, but I went and checked and it's there.


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