
Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I'm tooting my own horn just a little. I won a writing contest - acutally 'swept' the category (in their words) for Best Poem for 'The Least of These'. I needed that encouragement today, it's been a bit crazy around here.

For those of you who haven't ever read it I will post it here. (slightly different than the song version if you've heard me sing it). Please go to Choosing Home (link is in the sidebar) and check it out, it is an excellent resource for women (particularly moms). I highly recommend it...

The Least of These
copyright 2005, Lani Wiens

I'm pursuing God, is He here?

I'm down on my knees is He here?

Among 10 scraped knees,

A floor full of debris

Is He here?

While I clean up crumbs

And change dirty bums

Is He here?

When I’m scrubbing out the tub

And hosing off the mud

Is He here?

My mountaintops are far apart

But passion burns within my heart

To see your face

Look in your eyes

Feel your arms

I long to fly

Above the normal things that are each day

The mundane stuff gets in my way

You said you would walk with me

Even here

Even now

Among 10 scraped knees

A floor full of debris

While I clean up crumbs

And change dirty bums

I am shaping history

For the very least of these

May someday be the one

That will bring many to the Son

Thank you for this ministry

There’s glory here in my four walls

While I’m on my knees

Pursuing You

I will pick up after the least of these…


  1. congratulations!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog... I'm completely humbled by your comments and thank you so much for your encouraging words. I've been having a tough time lately, and yesterday was really hard... then this article came out and reminded me that I am HIS and that I need to surrender to Him EVERYDAY.

    Thanks again for stopping by. I'm humbled by how the Lord used me to speak to each of you.

    In Him,

  2. I've added you to my "friends" list as well...

  3. I love this Lani :) I wish I could hear you sing it.


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