
Monday, April 30, 2007

more pictures

The boys' room. Yup, all four boys in one room, it's working quite well!
Part of the living room.
Standing up girl!!
Cowboy Sam, he found that hat at the rummage sale and absolutely loves it!
a little of our kitchen.


  1. coolness!!!!
    I love it!
    I love the girls's room!! Love the blobby thing!
    I see blessing on all the faces in the pics!
    God is so good. : )

  2. Thanks for the sneak preview! Looking forward to seeing it all (and all of you) in person soon!

  3. You showed me pics before you moved, but it's so hard to really get a feel for the place unles syou've actually seen it...which i have!!!! YAAA
    Even tho you are a bit more far away, it was nice to take that trip out there just to show that your not really that far away.

    i'm looking forward to coming again soon.

    girlie is standing!
    I really really love that quilt on your bed. I used to say that I didn't really like quilts, but you really have converted me. we now have to buy a new quilt for our bed, since faith vaselined the whole last bedding. and i am looking at actual quilting quilts. which is really surprising me. There's this part of me that';s quite interested in quilting....
    we'll have to see where that one goes.

    pray and trust that all is well and that pastor kelly having a blast.
    hee hee. (


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