
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

fresh flower delivery

I Got It
copyright 2007, lani wiens
a fresh flowers original

Learning something new is terrifically frustrating. I mean that. It is terrific to learn a new skill, to conquer a new challenge to take a risk and it is frustrating trying to do it. I had a close up personal glimpse as my three year old tried to master buckling himself into his carseat. He's really good at the top one but the bottom part was proving to be difficult for his little fingers. As too often happens, I tried to interfere without asking permission to do so. He got mad at me, how surprising, shocking really. He really wanted to do it himself and I stuck my big hands in there pushing his little ones aside, all in the name of efficiency.

It was the second round of this scenario that God stuck a little flower up my nose. I have to admit, I've been a little blind to them lately (obviously) but this one was hard to miss. My interference in my son's quest to master this little task will cost me time and energy. It is in my best interest (and his) to let him learn this new skill. How many times have I wished that he could do this himself as I am twisted around the driver's seat, smacking my head on the overhead lights, putting cramps in my fingers trying to do that thing up!

A little patience was required. A little instruction was required. A minute or so delay to our next destination was all that it cost me. By the end of our day in the city, constantly getting in and out of the vehicle, he had mastered that skill. He was so proud of himself as he announced, “I got it!” I was proud of him, too, and thankful that God helped me find a flower again.

Once again I marvel at God's ability to let me fumble around trying to figure things out that He could do with exceptional ease. But it's worth it in the end for me to learn these skills, when I finally know what I'm doing it free's Him up to do something else, have things go a little faster. I hope I remember to be patient right away next time I see someone learning a new skill. The Lord knows how much patience I'm requiring just now in all these new things that I am currently learning. I hope I bring a smile to His face when I can finally say, “I got it!”


  1. wow lani, i've been learning this TOTALLY too lately. with this new course i find myself freaking out A LOT and questioning my competence quite often. and i've had to daily say, ok God, i can't do it. i just can't. and i think He has a purpose in it. I'm so glad He's bigger than me.
    i am missing you guys... still wanna come out and visit in summer....

  2. mmmmmm.......what a sweet smelling flower. It encourages me in what God is walking me through. Thank you! Blessings to you and your family!

  3. we would love to come have you visit! blessings in that course!

    I'm glad I can be an encourager's been awhile.


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