
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

thankful - (1230)

My but I'm tired and uninspired today.  I've had a lot of trouble sleeping lately.  Yesterday I spent most of the day at the computer doing something I loathe.  Combine the two and I've got a headache!  But today I get to go get my hair done and I'm pretty excited about that, it's in great need of some TLC.  Maybe I am, too.  These last two and half months have been quite a ride.  Going here and there and packing and unpacking.  Pretty hard to keep up with the whole thing I must say.

However, I am thankful for many things and I would be remiss not to mention them, because God is good and in Him there is no darkness...

Everything God created is good, and to be received with thanks...God's Word and our prayers make every item in creation holy.  (1 Timothy 4:4-5 The Msg)

1201.  Reading an assignment of my son's and remembering how hard it used to be for him to put a sentence together.
1202.  Grandpa and Grandma, in duplicate, near by.
1203.  good ideas
1204.  weekends full of sewing and creativity
1205.  surprises that turn out well
1206.  enjoying the concert
1207.  my personal massage therapist
1208.  quiet mornings
1209.  hair appointments
1210.  little revelations
1211.   a great find on kijiji that will make life so much easier for my husband
1212.  a game that I can enjoy playing with my kids
1213.  fabric, how I love to create with it
1214.  forts in the living room
1215.  a good night of sleep after not having them for a long while
1216.  our new mattress topper and pillows, what a difference they make to this weary back
1217.  sun shining on the countertops in the morning
1218.  clean dishes in the sink
1219.  empty garbage cans
1220.  beauty
1221.  encouragement
1222.  getting started on a big project, that first step is so hard to take
1223.  my little dog, Mr. Chubbs, I like him
1224.  advice from a master quilter
1225.  learning new tricks of the trade
1226.  coming home
1227.  knowing I don't need to leave soon
1228.  exercise - especially my new workout video
1229.  the fact that the kids aren't watching movies and don't seem to care
1230.  peace in my spirit - I am in a non-anxious state!

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