
Friday, December 02, 2011

He Comes Anyway

This morning I woke up to the chaos of yesterday's shopping trip in the kitchen along with the baskets of laundry I was going to fold the day before and the remains of breakfast also from the day before that wasn't cleaned up by the people who remained behind after I left in the morning.

I went to light our advent candle and move Mary one more spot along the way to manger when I saw it.  Christ comes despite our mess.  He comes despite our fears.  He comes even when we forget to light the way for Him.  He comes anyway.

As I deal with the mess in my house and in my heart I am thankful that He comes anyway.

Come Lord Jesus
Come Let Us Adore Him


  1. I love your advent holder. I also love your thoughts. Thanks. I needed perspective this morn too. I had the same mess waiting for me....I'm just ignoring it right at the moment.

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