
Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Good morning!  I've been having a stellar morning so far.  A morning which has included getting kids ready for school, having a little discussion about honesty, railing at them a little bit because they didn't really practice for today's lessons, a discussion about faith moving mountains and praying together about such, cleaning up the morning mess, sitting at my window reading the word and being thankful, conversations with friends and family, paging back through a journal and finding this poem - I edited a little and would like to share it with you.

Every Day
by lani wiens

                           You are the God of Every Day;
Every day grace
  Every day favour
    Every day guidance
      Every day direction
        Every day strength
          Every day wisdom
            Every day peace
              Every day truth
                Every day love
                  Every day self-control
                    Every day kindness
                      Every day joy

                         Every day I am in need
                           E-v-e-r-y day
                             ALL DAY
                               day in and day out
                                 I need you
                                   to be my
                                    EVERY DAY

PS: there's one more day to enter my give-away for Ann's amazing book!  Leave a comment on the previous post on my blog or on the facebook post with the same name!!

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