
Friday, May 04, 2012

First EVER Give-Away on fresh flowers

I am in a bit of a flutter today.  I'm supposed to be getting ready to take the junior highs on a retreat, grad is tonite and I need to bake bread and do laundry.  I have grad gifts to prepare and wrap get the picture.  This really isn't the time for blogging , however, I have been inspired!  It might be my new pink shoes wrapped around my feet...or I'm just procrastinating.  Doesn't matter!!!  I won a little on-line give-away today and decided it was high time to do one of my own.  There have been close to 600 posts on this little blog and over 14 000 views, reason enough to celebrate!!

So you can thank Mrs. Harris for this one!  I am thankful for those who come regularly to read even though I'm not always regularly here to blog.  I am thankful for all the wonderful things I've learned and been inspired by through other blogs.  Soooo...I'd like to do my own little give-away!

What am I giving away? Something I am very thankful for:

and if I get inspired some more, I might just add a few more little goodies into the mix (really, these pink shoes are amazing!).  So, please leave a comment with something that you are thankful for today.  You are free to share this but please link back!

I will draw for the book on Friday of next week (that would be the 11th)!

blessings, have a very fresh-picked day!!



  1. Im thankful for a day off today spent with my best friend having lunch, a pedicure and catching up.

  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The leaves are coming out and the world is turning green! It soothes my soul.

  3. I am thankful for home cooked meals made from scratch. There really is nothing like them.

  4. Thankful for the encouragement of visibly answered prayers, kids that love Jesus and a heritage that has taught me so much.

  5. Don't you just love thankfulness!

  6. I am thankful that I have a job that I love even though there are many challenges to be encountered and overcome along the way!!

  7. I am thankful that God knows my future and I can rest in that knowledge.
    Hi, Lani. I don't visit here often, but I linked from Song of Joy . . . I am doing a 1000 thankfuls for the year 2012 (blogging about 3 things I am thankful for each day) and this was inspired by Ann's book, which, next to the Bible, has been one of the most life-changing books for me. I'm excited that you are giving one away:)


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