
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Praise in the morning and thankfulness at night!!

Harvest has begun!  For me anyway, the fields will take a little longer.  However, this morning I found two pails of cucumbers, the beans need picking and I just received my cherries from B.C.!!  So time to swing into high gear on the preservation trail.

So this will be a quickie post, hope you don't mind.

Yesterday I woke up tired and grumpy and not too excited about the day...we needed to clean, a lot!  I was discouraged about what didn't get done and then proceeded to play a game on my ipad (with my kids) for about 3 hours! (really, my oldest got me started on it and then the younger three helped out for awhile and then Sam hung out with me forever until I made him go to bed and then the older girls got in on it and finished it off! We had fun)

I went to bed a little deflated until we started praying and thanking God for what HAD happened that day.  This morning as I read Psalm 91 I was reminded about it one more time.  We give praise in the morning and thankfulness at night.  It was encouraging to look back on the day and see all that had been done.  Yes, there is still TONS to do, but we moved forward and that was worth being thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Two BUCKETS of cucumbers...your have certainly adjusted to country life :0). I did not get to plant ANYTHING this year other than a small amount of herbs. It worked out well since I was laid up with a stitched up hand! There will always be something else to get done around the home, but there won't always be ipad games to be done with the kids. Enjoy both the kids AND the cucumbers!


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