
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday Sampler

Weather:  atrociously hot
Wearing:  my work uniform (I changed my shirt to my new MBMission shirt)
Waiting for:  meatloaf to bake
Watching:  most recent watch is "I Am Number Four"  rating:  not bad
Weary of:  whining
Winning at:  getting flubber out of little girl's hair
Word for the day:  Colossians 3 and 4 - don't be afraid to raise the bar, God has called us to a HIGH standard

I work very casually at the Post Office in town and today was one of my days to work and today was so dead, deader than usual. Not so exciting, I like interacting with customers, even when I have to admit that I may not know what I'm doing!   It was perfectly quiet all morning and I honestly missed the noise of my kids and the noisy fan that is attempting to keep it cool in here, it's not working.

I got two calls from home as the kids actually tried to keep on the schedule without me there!  That is impressive.  When I got home the dryer was running, Sasha was cleaning out the dishwasher and Lizzy was clearing the table. (Sam was at Grandma's for a birthday sleep-over)

The older kids....were sleeping...

Okay, they have an excuse, Abby just got home from camp last night and was a wee bit tired from all the exertion and excitement of camp.  Chris came home, too, but promptly went over to a friend's house that we hooked up with at the ice cream stand on the way home.

The eldest doesn't have an excuse, he was just sleeping.

Excitement for the day:

1.  Cucumbers!  My cucumbers are actually producing something for the first time ever!!
2.  Chris and Abby are home from camp.
3.  We have the majority of the parts to repair the burned out combine.
4.  Flubber!  We made some and I earned points for being a cool mom... (and it actually worked!! sometimes our experiments are kind of a bust...very disappointing, but not this time!)
5.  Harry Putty....Lizzy put the stuff in her hair...not so much fun :( but exciting nonetheless

glue, water, borax and food coloring

pulling it up!!

what is that!!??

Flubber Fun

Flubber Fist!

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