
Saturday, September 22, 2012


My house is not clean, my laundry is behind (the dryer was wrecked for several days), there are boxes of tomatoes on my kitchen floor, bags of recycling in the garage, dishes on my counter, folded laundry on my living room floor.  My kitchen doors are still missing in action and there are paper piles everywhere.  I haven't begun to work on the farm finances for this year.

Besides facing that today, I need to practice because our worship team is on tomorrow, prepare for children's church and prepare for the launch of our new women's ministry tomorrow night.  Now that harvest is pretty much over we need to get ready to launch into homeschool mode starting Monday morning, this requires some preparation on my part.

I am feeling overwhelmed.

My husband is still out in the field, which is where he is for the majority of his days from April - October.  My oldest is in bed and wants to have a day where no one is telling him what to do.  The next one is at a volleyball tournament all day, my girl also wants me to take her to town to watch volleyball, boy #3 is at grandma's house.  So I'm left with the overtired 6 and 8 year old.

I am feeling abandoned.

It was comforting to me this morning that Jesus might have felt a little like this, too.  He was in the last few days of his ministry here on earth, he was trying to make things clear to his disciples and they weren't really getting it.  They boldly declared that they would never abandon him...he assured them that they would.  Then he made this amazing statement.  "You will abandon me but I am never abandoned because my Father is with me." (John 16)

When he was overwhelmed by what was to come as he prayed in the garden, when he stood before the high priest and then Pilate, when all his disciples left him, as he predicted, he was not alone.  His Father was with him.  His disciples felt abandoned when he died and then he sent the Holy Spirit.  We are never alone dear ones, NEVER.  He has left us a comforter, one who is there to guide us into all Truth.

Though I am overwhelmed, I am not abandoned.  So let's go get that laundry started!

1 comment:

  1. So true, Lani! I am sorry that you feel overwhelmed and abandoned. I feel overwhelmed this weekend too. Life is like that at times, no? Thankfully we have a God who holds us up with wings like eagles. Praying for you right now,sweetie.


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