
Monday, September 24, 2012

Gifts of Grace this Weekend

What did this weekend look like?  Full of grace...

Taco salad for there and here for the last harvest meal I have to cook.

A joyful noisy combination of drums, violin and piano for 'club' night because this is what happens when you say yes to home and no to out there.

Cuddled together on the couch reading stories.

Ghost Protocol and folding laundry.  Love Mission Impossible.  So glad I don't need to save the world every day.

Surfing blogland learning new things.  Did you know there are actually people who love organizing and blog about it!?  Find them here!

Late night chat with my husband after youth, hearing the love for his job as pastor ooze out of his heart.

Late night argument with son who just wants a day to command on his do I.

Early morning grumpiness, martyrdom and pity party (all my own).

Super messy house and in walks someone who I perceive as having all together and she wants to use my bathroom!  I died a thousand deaths.

Let the cleaning begin.

Volleyball and football claim 4 kids for the day.

Just the two littles left...not expecting any help there.

Babysitting cousin.  Those two girls know how to turn a room upside down!

Battling with the Lord over my attitude and His grace comes through and wins the day.  One song that helped, Steven Curtis Chapman, "Do Everything".

I ask Sasha for help and he willingly gives it and more...that little guy helped with dishes, straightened the living room and cleaned the bathroom.  God's gift to me today.

The little girls sort of cleaned up one mess, more grace.

Lots of phone calls.

Harvest is done!!

Let's celebrate and go for supper!

Food was great but didn't sit well. (bummer)

Hard ride home, poor choices made.

Sunday morning worship, rub edges off, come repent, come just as you are.  Repentance is a good thing.  More grace.

Nap time - ahh.

Homemade pumpkin spice latte! (used chai tea, so very good!)

Inspired by this post and acted on it!

Prepare for ministry launch.

Soooooooooo blessed by the team that prepared for A Sweet Life.  It was so sweet!  So much grace, beautiful fellowship, laughter and chocolate and candy and roll kuchen!

Come home to tell my sweet husband all about it and he's ready for me with warm oil and a massage while I tell him all about it.  Such grace for me.

Linking up here:

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