
Friday, November 09, 2012

5 Minute Friday {QUIET}

5 Minute Friday is a mad writing party that is just so much never know what might come out!!

Join in with us by clicking that button on the side bar with the same name.

Rules are simple.

1. Write for 5 minutes on the topic (no over thinking or editing)
2.  Link up over at Lisa Jo's site (click on that button)
3.  Go encourage the person who linked up before you.

It's that easy...

Today's prompt:



Quiet doesn't happen very often in my house.  Not with 8 mouths going and 16 feet and 16 hands and often more if someone has someone over.  It's busy here...

The inside of me is where I need quiet and right now there seems to be no such thing.  At the moment the house is quiet with 4 at school, 2 working on home school assignments, 1 in North Dakota and me here...not too much noise other than the hum of the fridge. But my insides are screaming and yelling and stomping around.

I'm trying to make sense of all that I've taken in in my 44 years on this planet and sort it out.  Because I'm being taken apart by this book I'm reading that is pulling away my defenses and masks and getting me to really see the noise inside.

Because my outside is strong and capable and not needy.

My insides are quaking and jelly-like and screaming for attention and as my flesh is getting seared and that old self is dying and it is writhing in agony and yelling at me to not let it die because it is so very comfortable up here on my skin.

but i want to be real and quiet in my spirit.
the real me that no one sees
because of the loud walls that i've erected to keep you out there

i need the quiet of dead flesh and a spirit that is ready to hear and walk 'with' instead of 'for'
my affections need to be His not yours...

shhh, there's something dying over here
and it's a good thing


BEFORE you run away make sure to enter the 2 give-aways, you won't be sorry you did!!

1. Steve Bell CD - Keening For the Dawn (super amazing right to your heart music) Click HERE and comment!

2.  Katharine Barrett's advent reader - Walking to Bethlehem (you'll love it, I promise) Click HERE and comment!

Both give-aways close Friday night (November 9).

And just for fun, go over here and to get great savings on What's In the Bible DVDs for Christmas gifts!  (I LOVE online shopping - especially way out here in the boonies!)

Linked here:


  1. Hang it there, sister! I just finished that book not too long ago and I know the upside down and inside out change it brings - but it is so worth it :) Here's to a quiet space and room to breath for you. Happy weekend!

  2. Too late. I already see the Lani you really are and ....I likes ya! You bless my soul. I finally feel like I'm coming home to all my sisters. I want you to feel that way too.


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