
Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Introducing - Walking To Bethlehem

It is my privilege to introduce a brand new book that is coming on the market TODAY!!  My IRL friend and fellow writer Katharine Barrett has put together a beautiful family advent devotional that will add richness and blessing to your advent season.

Written with rich word pictures, Katharine walks you down the road to Bethlehem.  Weaving in personal stories, recipes, traditions and scripture this delightful journey will bring you to the side of the manger.  You will also enjoy familiar Christmas carols, highlighting the lesson for the day.

Hope ~ Peace ~ Joy ~ Love

These are the four pillars of advent.  Each week you will light a candle, read scripture and enjoy some fresh insight into the mystery of the season.  In between you will continue on the journey, leaving footprints of those four pillars.  Our family has read many advent readers and this Christmas we will be using this one.  In the appendix is an alternative oral reading that allows children to fully engage as part of the reading together.

Katharine has a warm and inviting style and I know you will enjoy Walking to Bethlehem!

Click on this link to go to Grace and Fresh Ink to read more about it.

Click here to get your print copy or Kindle version at Amazon.

This is the Smashwords link for Apple, Nook, Kobo, etc.

And you can continue to follow Katharine at her blog, Just A Thought where she's always got a great thought for you!


I would like to give away 1 copy of the ebook to one of my readers because I know you will thoroughly enjoy it!  I started reading and I didn't stop until three cups of tea later.

In order to enter the give-away please leave a comment and we will pick a winner. (open until midnight on Friday) I would like to hear about your advent traditions.  I will be sharing some of ours later on this month.

Feel free to tweet or re-post this on Facebook.  Walking to Bethlehem deserves all the exposure it can get!


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Last year we started to do the Jesse Tree. I'm not sure the kids really got it last year but I'm looking forward to seeing them absorb the stories more and more each year.

  2. Last year was the best advent ever. We bought a bunch of Dollarama Christmas socks and hung them on a string on our LR wall. Each night after supper, we pulled out an index card with a verse/activity/question on it. Just stuff I thought of...We were so much more focused on Jesus, the rest of "Christmas" was a small part of our celebrations. Oh, yeah, we also lit a candle from the four votives/one pillar we kept on our coffee table.

  3. I usually read a scripture each day and journal about it. I like to light a candle during that time and write the verse out on a chalk board to reflect on during the day.

  4. Last year we started Truth in the Tinsel, but i didn't have everything I needed. I hope to give it a go again this year - more prepared.

  5. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that we don't really have any advent traditions - since I married Ernie and am attending an Orthodox church I am learning more about Advent and am hoping to begin some traditions ... stay tuned.

  6. I used to anticipate the advent ceremony: readings and candle lighting at our previous church. The church we attend in our new city doesn't follow the advent traditions. This year, we are going overseas for almost a month over Christmas so we are going to have to make some new traditions for our hot (not white) Christmas! I love Heather's ideas "I usually read a scripture each day and journal about it. I like to light a candle during that time and write the verse out on a chalk board to reflect on during the day." and would like to implement them myself this year.

  7. WE have not done anything super intentional through the years and I would like to change that. I would LOVE a copy of that book. It looks beautiful!

  8. We have tried small things here & there but nothing that has really stuck. This sounds like a great book to help in that area.


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