
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Directory for Some Great Gift Ideas!!

Today I'd like to direct you to some other small business ventures that do more than just sell a product, they change lives.

If you are in the Saskatoon area this weekend there is a Work for Widows sale at Hope Fellowship Church, (corner of Ave I and 32nd Street) from 10 - 3.  This ministry is helping widowed women in Sri Lanka countries break out of that poverty cycle.  In some cultures being a widow means you become less than human with no means of support.  If you're not in the area you can view their website at, purchase beautiful gift items or become and advocate yourself!

Ten Thousand Villages is a beautiful store run by MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) that takes handmade products from countries in which they're working and sells them in a retail setting.  They have seasonal stores set up in various areas will help you find a store near you OR you can shop online!!

Women At Risk, International (WAR, Int’l) is a U.S.-based, non-profit organization. We currently work in over 31 countries creating havens of safety and healing for at-risk women and children. Our purpose and passion is to give voice to the silenced cries of the oppressed, wrap arms of love around them, and whisper messages of purpose and dignity into their brokenness. Through culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects and programs, WAR, Int’l offers these women and children an opportunity to live life with dignity. Although specifically known for our fight against human trafficking and rehabilitating work with trafficking victims, WAR, Int’l addresses 14 different risk issues facing women and children today.Their website is

Tomorrow we will talk about some other ministries that are doing amazing things to support families in various situations, so check back then for more ideas!!

Then there are online friends and neighbors who have taken their creativity and turned it into a business, sometimes just to support their families and sometimes to fund projects such as international adoption.  Why don't you go check some of these out!

My sweet friend Julie makes stunning handmade cards..check them out at

Hearts Undaunted Etsy Store -, these are handmade multi-media art pieces made by Mandy!

Be Small Studios -  Annie is an amazing artist and gave everyone at
Allume a beautiful print!

Amyma - - sweet art prints and mixed media

Amy Reasoner - My Redesign -, pretty jewelry and vintage goods

My friend Jesse is raising funds for an international adoption by selling her book through her blog... go check it out at

For your fabric junkie friends, go visit my friend Randi at

Here's another one...something a little different:

Please feel free to leave more links in the comment box and go to THIS POST to enter the awesome give-away!!

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