
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Introducing Riverstone Studios' Give-Aways!!

An excellent point was raised in yesterday's comments.  Real people work at the big stores and those big stores need to make money in order for those real people to keep their real jobs and feed their real families! However, you can still make your dollars do more by shopping through portals like PureCharity which has partnered with some of those big stores to put cash into a personal giving fund that goes towards great projects.  I encourage you to check them out!!


Today, I want to highlight some dear personal friends who have been on quite a journey of health and healing.  In the process of building their straw bale home, going off grid and figuring out how to get healthy and whole they have started a business called Riverstone Studios.  You can learn a lot more about them by going to their website.  Click on their name up there and it will take you to their site.

All of their products are made with pure ingredients and are plastics or fillers here!  They are seeking to promote health on all fronts and have generously donated two products for give-aways today!

Give-Away #1 - Naked Lotion Bar
CLICK to learn more about this amazing product.

Give-Away #2 - Silk
CLICK to learn more about this amazing product.

*I use Silk and it is fabulous!

To help you with your gift giving Riverstone Studios has a whole section in their store with gift packs that will be shipped already wrapped and beautiful!!  CLICK here to go directly to that section of their on-line store - perfect idea for those who have sensitivities or are eco-minded!!
You can use the coupon code below!!

Discount Code Offer

Not only are they giving these two products away they have a coupon code (promo code "noel") for you , too, that will get you 10% off your purchase.  Shipping in Canada is $5 (international rates apply).  If you go pick it up, there is no shipping and they'll probably even give you a cup of tea to sip while you get to know them! Because they are pretty cool like that!

Kelly and Audrey, the owners of Riverstone Studios have an amazing journey and are one example of local business.  Take a look around you where you live, there are probably people who are doing some amazing things that you might not even be aware of.  You don't have to be living in a big city to be an amazing business.  Riverstone Studios are an excellent example of that!

Keep looking back for more giving ideas that give back throughout this are welcome to continue putting links up in the comments to direct us to your faves!!

ENTER THE GIVE AWAY!!  Gonna try this Raffle-Copter thingy...

Question to Answer:  What's your favorite place to use your giving dollars?

Linked up at:  



  1. My favorite place is actually two places:

    1. Otino Waa - an orphanage in Uganda where I can actually know my orphan. It's smaller than the big orphan sponsor groups (who also do GREAT work) and I like that.

    2. Christian AID - they train NATIVE missionaries. I like that too. Putting a country's own people into the mission field makes total sense to me.

  2. We like to try and give as much locally as we can. Our homeless shelter and our inner city music program for young children are two of them, and we love getting involved- time as well as money!

  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I love shopping at Ten Thousand Villages. I have a hard time leaving that store without spending a lot of money!


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