
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Last Word for 2012

It's time for the last words of the year to be written on fresh flowers.  It's been an interesting year and I thought I'd share some highlights with you...

Best trip: going to Allume in Harrisburg PA all by myself.  Stretched me and blessed me far beyond any reasonable expectations I had.  You can read that story here: One Thing

Mission trips:  I went with our church and my three oldest to Mexico on a building mission.  We also took our youth group to the inner city for a week.  Both of these experiences were very positive and we saw God working

Best book:  Grace for the Good Girl by Emily P. Freeman.  This one has me pondering, praying and understanding myself more than any other book I've read to date!  Would you believe I bought it by 'accident'.

Other books worth mentioning:  7 by Jen Hatmaker and So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore

Favourite New Songs (for me anyway):  
10 000 Reasons by Matt Redmond
I Will Lift My Eyes by Bebo Norman
Keening for the Dawn (the whole CD) - by Steve Bell

Proud of me for:   Reading through the entire Bible this year!!!  Yes I did!
                            Completing the 31 day Challenge.  I wrote on Uncommon Creativity - check out those
                            posts under the tab with that title!

Life Changing Decision:  I went gluten-free.  My body seems to be liking that decision and has starting shedding weight that has been accumulating without me having to try really hard.  I am beginning to feel better, which is pretty amazing considering the last three years of bone-weary fatigue. (I am hoping to begin the new year in a new 'decade' which for me would be the lowest weight I've been in 10+ years...we'll find out if I made it tomorrow).

Biggest Milestone:  We celebrated our 20th anniversary this year!  WooHoo!!

Big Blessings:

Growing friendships on and off line!

I am grateful this year to have found some on-line buddies that bless my socks off.  Thankful to have met some of them in real life.  It is so life-giving to have peeps that have a heart that beats like yours...kindred spirits would be the Anne-ism!  Love you girls!!

And here at home I have been given the opportunity to begin a women's ministry and so far it's been great...but better than that is the group of women I get to hang out with to plan these things and bring it all together, what a great group of girls!!

In this next year:  I am part of a God-Sized Dream Team...kinda scary and exciting and yeah....HUGE!!!  I can't begin to imagine what I might be writing here at this time next year...guess we'll wait and see.

From our family to yours,

May the God of all comfort bless you with all you need,
 so that at all times and in all things 
you may be able to do all He has asked of you!


  1. Very cool! I love your year in summary. I plan on doing some of those things in the following celebrating 20 yrs of marriage (ack!!). I also just read "7" and LOVED it! Here's to new beginnings and goals for the next year!

  2. That's a doggone good year!! Here's to the amazing journey before you in 2013!! You are definitely one of my 2012 highlights- on several lists. :)

  3. Great to read what this year has held for you, Lani! So thankful that God has crossed our paths. Much love to you!

  4. Oh, Lani, I love your sweet spirit! and I love your word. You are full of grace- may your cup run over with grace this year! Blessings!

  5. a beautiful recap... so glad I got to meet you! Looking forward to dreaming with you... and seeing God use our dreams!

  6. Lani, I just found your name on Holley Gerth's Dream Team list - it's been a long time! Looks like we follow some of the same people (and most of those books are on my nightstand). I just started (1 post!) a blog at - I have much to learn; I am looking forward to following along with you.
    Blessings for the new year (and hi to your husband!

  7. Thanks all for dropping by!!


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