
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's All About Giving

It's been a different sort of morning around out kitchen table.  We are reading through Katharine Barrett's advent reader entitled, Walking to Bethlehem.  This morning we read a very touching tradition in one family of giving to others rather than buying into the rush of commercialism.  The White Envelope project was started in 1982 with one woman's desire to bless her husband.

After reading this it was very quiet at our table.  Our rambunctious eight year old asked about that Compassion Giving Catalogue that I was going to show him.  I had been looking through it again just recently so I could get it for him in seconds.  He quickly went through it and showed me the page that captured his heart.  "Mom, we should help moms and babies be healthy don't you think?" (He's been on a kick lately about me having another baby - that would be a miracle!)

Yes, I think we should.

I shared with my children that the Compassion project "It's All About Giving" has only reached just over $500 in their goal of $20000 to bless children in poverty this Christmas.

We commented on how so many calls have come to ask us to give.

We talked about families we've run across that have to take a break in their gift opening time because the kids are too tired to continue opening their multitude of gifts.  We had a little chuckle because that has never been our problem...

Our hearts were seared...

So that Compassion book went around the table and each of us marked the thing that was dearest to our heart.
* Our computer man wants to help other kids learn how to use one.
* The leather-crafter wants to help young men like him learn to make shoes.
* The girl who's bed just broke would like to see some built for other kids.
* The farmer wants solar lighting on our farm and would like to see someone else get some, too.
* Our little girl who just lost a tooth would like to see other kids brush their teeth!
* I would love to help women train to have their own income through tailoring and sewing.
* We have one more that needs to choose but he wasn't here this morning.

We are praying together that God would supply enough for us to give towards these things...

Would you consider helping today to make a child's Christmas a little brighter?  It doesn't take that much...
There are 2000 Compassion Bloggers, if even one of each of our reader's gave $100 they will have reached their goal.  Every amount counts and helps them reach their goal.

Go over here and see what you can do to help...please!

I love to see a child's eyes light up! Don't you?
Join the Compassion Blogger Network

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