
Monday, December 17, 2012

A Contest...sort of...

I have a problem I need a little help with...

I can't seem to find even a small spark of creativity to craft a gift experience for my amazing husband.  He is an amazing gift giver and comes up with all kinds of wonderful gifts, ideas, experiences, thoughtful words and much more!

I can be very creative...for everyone else, but I seem to have a roadblock where he's concerned.  He manages to outgive me EVERY time!  I did bring forth five beautiful kids out of this bod so I think that counts for something!

Anyways, have you got some fabulous ideas for me?  The catch is, it has to cost next to nothing...I've got a grand total of $20 to spend on this.  We decided that we would be creative and imaginative instead since our budget is so tight.  He has spent a grand total of $6!!!

Soooo....spin out your ideas, if I use yours I will give you a prize!!!

Come on creative me to a marvelous idea for my deserving husband!!.  I will be forever in your debt...


  1. Do a scrapbook of the year; use his name as a word prompt for some subway art. Hand print ornaments.

  2. I have zilch creative juices in regards to gifts for my hubby and he outgives me every time too. I have no creative abilities, save my amazing cookie!

    I say, write HIM a song. I know he's all musical and everything and you are maybe surprise him and write a song for him. That would be FREE and words of respect and encouragement are always a gift to men. What is his love language? If it's gifts then you are outmatched by his ability. LOL! But if it's something other than gifts he won't care if it isn't an incredible piece of something. If it's quality time, make a coupon book with PLANS and brochures inside it. If it's acts of service, then think of what he appreciates most when you do it, like washing the car unexpectedly or bringing a lunch to church and eating it with him. I don't know...I'm really reaching here...

    If it's intimacy (you know what I mean) then think of something creative he'd like on Christmas Eve (or Day)...

    Have you read the 5 Love Languages? It's a gooder if you haven't. Even if you read up on the five gifts and guess at what his is. Then go from there.

  3. Can you make a page in Word using word art, like subway art, of his favorite verses/words/lyrics/quotes, save as a jpeg- send up to your print photo shop and make poster size then frame? This or a nightie. :-)


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