
Friday, December 14, 2012

The Perfect Gift

The flurry of giving is creating havoc with all varieties of systems at the moment.  Sites crash as they're overwhelmed with traffic. Nerves tangle and explode. Credit card machines spit back that your card is unaccepted and tempers flare.

Is this really what giving looks like?

Under my tree there is a duct-taped package with a card I made that is also duct-taped to the package.  It has my name on it and I can't wait to open it.

As I've pondered giving this year the Lord has been showing me a different angle on the whole thing.  This year my giving hasn't been without stress...I'll relate the punching bag story a little later *smile*.  However, we have determined to stay within a very limited budget.  We have determined that we will stay small this year and thoughtful of the spirit of the one to whom the gift is intended.

What do I mean by that?

We have a child who loves to dance, she dreams of being a dancer, she practices and has been given the gift of a lithe and flexible body built for dancing.  Our gifts to her this year will help her on her path toward that dream.  The same is true of our adventurous architect in the making, simple reminders that they can hold in their hands to remind them of where they are headed.

This is what God did for us.  He didn't need the internet to help him find the perfect gift.  He looked at our hearts, saw where we were going and knew what the perfect gift looked like.  A child born in a manger that would save us from ourselves and our greed and selfishness.  There is nothing like a baby to reveal the depth of our selfishness and to help us overcome it at 3:00 AM!

My parents never asked us for gift lists.  There is nothing wrong with asking what a person wants, however, there is something very right about praying into a person's life and asking the Creator of that person what the best gift could be for them.

This Christmas can I encourage you to give from your heart to the heart of another...not just stuff but something that will speak to their spirit, encouraging them in their dreams helping them along the way.

One of the things I love about Compassion is that my gifts go right to my sponsored child.  When I send extra money for Jordy's birthday or for Christmas, I know he gets it.  Our family was so excited to see the pictures sent back from Ecuador of Jordy sporting his new clothes that his mom bought him for his birthday!  One day I hope to get there and give him something in person.

This Christmas you can make a difference in a child's life and in their community by sponsoring through Compassion.  Click on this LINK to go to their giving catalogue and give a gift that keeps on giving!  Compassion has a goal of raising $20 000 for gifts for children in poverty.  Why not be part of something bigger this year...

What does the perfect gift look like to you?  I love seeing the look of delight on someone's face when they open a gift that I've given that I know is just right for them, you can't get that through PayPal!! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post! Last year we began doing the same thing. We scaled back and really prayed about what to give each child, based on who they were, what they had been created to be... and I've never been so excited to watch gifts being opened!


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