
Sunday, February 17, 2013

5 Days to a Clutter Free House - Review

Today I am writing a review of 5 Days to a Clutter-Free House - Quick, Easy Ways to Clear Up Your Space by Sandra Felton and Marsha Sims.  I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Publishers.

Initially I thought this would be a fabulous book - who doesn't want to have a clutter free house in five days? I've been working at de-cluttering for what seems like forever and I am still not done - five days seemed a little like a miracle.

It didn't take me long to figure out that this could be a fabulous way to go about de-cluttering, but not for me.  This system is designed for those whose clutter has literally taken over the house.  Because of all of the work we've done already this isn't true of my house (Praise the Lord!).  Let me give you a quick synopsis and then I'll share the gems I gleaned from these pages.

1.  This may be a benefit to you if you have a significant clutter issue in one or more areas of your home.
2.  You need to gather a team around you to make this happen.
3.  Once the system of the five day de-clutter has taken place there will still be significant work to do to re-order your home and maintain that order.
4.  The authors address the issues that may prevent you from maintaining the new regime and give great suggestions as to how to actually do the work of maintaining it and give you some idea of how you got here in the first place.

I decided to try their de-clutter plan on a very small scale.  My living room had been taken over for several days by some very messy children.  I decided to corral those same children as my 'team' and employ the system.  In the five day plan they work at a certain 'level' each day.

Day 1 - knees to floor
Day 2 - knees to shoulders
Day 3 - shoulders and up
Day 4 - inside areas
Day 5 - storage areas

I instructed the kids to work in the same fashion, we followed the order and had the room ship shape in about 30 minutes, including vacuuming and dusting.

The deciding factor for someone implementing this plan would be your 'want-to'.  I believe that this could really be an excellent tool if applied with determination to follow through to the end of the plan and then continuing to maintain the desired order.  Felton and Sims are experienced organizers and self-proclaimed 'messies' - they know whereof they speak.  There are also plenty of examples sprinkled throughout of the right and wrong ways to accomplish this mammoth task.

If you have a mammoth de-cluttering task, whether it be just the garage or your whole house there is beneficial information contained within the pages of 5 Days to a Clutter-Free House.

Places to Purchase this item: - CLICK HERE - CLICK HERE

Barnes & Noble - CLICK HERE - CLICK HERE

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