
Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Adventure - {guest post}

This week I will be inviting the sweetest little guest poster ever to join me.  My 9 year old son Sasha is keeping a log of our adventures this week.  This is his first installment - the undedited version!

                                                Hotel Crazy!!! By Sasha

Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

Hi this is Sasha,Sam,Lizzy,and mom. We are on our way to an awesome Hotel. We are stoping at my grandmas house to get my sketch pad because i like to draw. right now Lizzy is reading her bible and Sam is drawing a "spy plane" my mom is getting my sketch pad and when she gets in the car she will of course drive:). Dang! my brother took it. my mom has left town and we are now on our way to the hotel of awesomeness. We are staying at the four point Sheraton. right now we are going to listen to a story. And the hotel has a water slide!!!!. We got chips and pop at Carters at Lucky Lake.

We are in the city and going to Boston Pizza. after that we are going to the hotel and going swimming. Lots and lots of traffic it is taking really long to get there. Mmmmmm that was good i had chicken fingers and now for desert i am having a chocolate pizza and the wader is very nice. Lizzy is have jell-o and so is Sam they think it is soooooooo good my pizza was really good but now i feel sick and next we are going swimming. Oh i almost forgot we had staring contests and mom won to every one and then she lost to every one.

out of the restaurant and to the swimming pool!!! yay its time to go the swimming pool we are having a snack at Safeway. We are listening to terrier from the sky on the CD player. on the cd their is an alien attack. My mom is in Safeway and she is taking a long time.

Chapter 2:the hotel sleep over!!!

We finished swimming we are in bed watching a movie called Jessie. Its a really funny movie. We are going to bed now but it's not comfortable. I like the pillows. I am sharing a bed with mom and Lizzy. We now are watching a movie called " Say Yes To The Dress" it is a good movie at least thats what my mom says. She found her dress for her wedding at least that is what i think Lizzy and Sam are going to bed and i get to keep typing. my mom and i are staying up.I cant fall asleep and its 12:55 at night.its almost time to get up now and we are going to watch T.V. while we eat breakfast. After we watch T.V. and have breakfast we will go swimming again.

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