Today has been a wearisome day. Too late to bed the night before. Too much bickering. Too many objects thrown. Too much non-compliance. Too much attitude.
I have truly thankful that the Lord chose to give us the six beautiful children we have but some days it all just seems like a little too much for these weak and weary bones to handle. So I need to remember some things that I can be thankful about.
** I have an amazing, wonderful, supportive husband that realized that mama was on the edge and needed some help today and let me go have a nap.
** When my children are grown they should have good skills for dealing with difficult and hard to live with people (we have one son that has ADHD, ODD/CD, and significant learning disablities, another who is three and EXTREMELY active and hard-headed).
** A wonderful couple came over last night to watch our six kids so we could go on a date.
** We are never, ever bored.
** I'm thankful that I have my curriculum picked and ordered for this year... I can hardly wait until it comes.
** I'm thankful that there is a secret place I can go when I just can't take one more spoon hurtling across the table. In that secret place I can rant and rave and no one gets hurt. In that secret place I can ask for wisdom and it will be given to me. In my secret place there is peace and rest. I am thankful that God is teaching me how to cultivate a secret place for without it I would surely die.
I understand where you are coming from. I too have a secret place that I have to go to daily or else I would be the crabby tea lady.
Oh boy....... I SO get what you're saying, and I only have three blessings. I need to visit that secret place more often I think! Thanks for a gentle reminder! Great you could catch a break with Hubby!
Love to you!
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