Thursday, April 04, 2013

Elastigirl vs. Distracto-Bunny


I love Elasti-girl.  I would like to be Elasti-girl.  Ever since "The Incredibles" showed up on the big screen she has been my super-hero of choice.  What mom wouldn't want to be able to 'snap' back into place no matter how much her body has stretched. Not to mention that you could be the super fun mom when your kids can use you as a raft or parachute.  Of course my favorite bit would be that I could reach them no matter how far  away they were...oh yes, you can't outstretch the MOM!!!


Unfortuately, I look a lot more like Distracto-Bunny.  No there isn't a cool picture of her, because she is ME!!

My abilities include:

*Juggling half-finished projects
*leaving a load of clothes in the washing machine until it gets THAT smell because I keep meaning to go change it
*buying too many craft supplies for my various interests
*Forgetting to pick up my daughter
*dropping everything when my phone says, "Woohoo, you have a text message!"

This is the sorry truth my friends.  I know that I will never be:

1. Ann Voskamp - beautiful, put together (at least in the pictures), well-mannered, intentional kids, beautiful photography and deeply spiritual writing
2. The Nester or Emily Jones (from Jones Design Company) - because until my kids leave home, simply keeping it clean enough to live is my goal - no magazine is going to come photograph my 37 year old linoleum (and thank heaven for that! cause it would be some rescue magazine or nasty reality TV thingy that someone nominated me for)
3. ProBlogger - cause I don't care about it all as much as he does

And guess what?  I'm okay with that.

I am learning in my middle-aged-ness (is mid-40s middle aged?) that I am getting more comfortable with my introverted self.  I like my crafty, creative side.  I actually like reading my own writing!  I love my kids and my husband and the crazy grace we all live in.

I am, however, in the middle of writing a novel (for real). I am working toward some awesome God-sized dreams. I'm even getting okay with my lumpy bits - after all those extra 'curves' produced some pretty awesome fruit and I can have grace for that (thanks Lisa Jo for that line about having grace for my waist).

This is all a bit random and I'm okay with that, too.  SQUIRREL!!

(did I say the thing about writing a novel out loud?)


Unknown said...

Just perfect! You and me can be distracto-bunnies together!

Marcy Payne said...

I could have written your post, Lani. We have some serious parallel life stuff going on. I have become more comfy with my middle aged self. Esp the squishy part. LOL! YOU ARE AMAZING just the way you are!

elizabeth said...

You go with those God sized dreams girl! Woot!

Debi said...

You are so awesome! If you were like any of those other people, I probably wouldn't like you so much. In fact I love you just the way you are. You are safe. You are lovely. You are relatable and that makes you a great person and a really fun friend. ROCK on sister!

donna said...

I. LOVE. YOU. You are an amazing woman and it is awesome that you are able to see that YOU are great just as YOU are...okay, maybe there is room for some improvement. I mean after all, we are a work in progress in the Masters hand. But this post made me smile from one Distracto-Bunny to.....
Hey, did you see that???? Squirrel.