Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"I have to say" relaxing challenge

I should be getting financial stuff done and helping my husband with taxes...but this will only take a second or two...oh yes, must is Elizabeth's official due date, she'll be 1 month old tomorrow..........and she's doing quite well I must say

Randi over at I HAVE TO SAY had a challenge to tell everyone about how we relax. Relaxing with a newborn and five other kids is far from easy but there are ways and I mean to find them....

this is what I did before my delightful new baby came along and what I will do once I figure out how to accomplish the carving out of such things....

1. Creating - sewing, card-making, scrapbooking, anything that lets my creative juices flow....I love my little sewing room with sunlight pouring down on me as I play with fabric, it's pretty much my favorite thing to do hands down....and I like doing it by myself. Like Sparrow I am a bit of an introvert, I like all that crafty stuff, just like doing it alone or with one or two people I love...

2. Reading - this is one thing that I do (brief pause while I make sure my little boys are not out on the deck roof....again) while I'm nursing, either reading out loud to the kids or reading something I enjoy...I've read a truckload of books since Elizabeth was born probably a dozen or more in the last 4 weeks...

3. My tub - I have a big bubble soaker tub that is pretty awesome to relax in....

4. Drinking tea late in the evening and chatting with the love of my life.

5. Going out, anywhere, all by myself....

6. Going out, anywhere, with my husband...

7. Being at home, all by myself....

8. Drinking tea on the couch with sunlight streaming in...

9. this may be weird but I feel more relaxed when my house is clean, so cleaning is almost relaxing cause I know how much I'll like it when it's done.............

10. Just being by myself with a bit of worship music is great, too..............

hmmmm........I seem to like these little dots alot lately.....................what's up with that?


A Good Kinda Crazy said...

Just stopping by to let you know that SANDI (from "Anticipated Blessings")had a baby girl! Please stop by and congratulate her on her newest blessing if you haven't already done so!

In Him,

Randi said...

I like all the items on your list--very relaxing for me too! Sometimes in the evening I sit in the living room with all the lights out and I play worship music--these are the best times of worship for me!

Lani - the flowerlady said...

good to see you again Holly. We just moved in January and are only now starting to tackle the basement, where we threw everything when we moved in...hope everything goes well!!

Trail Rider said... dot dot......
so drinking tea and being alone were the 2 major themes that I read....LOL

You're so neat. I love how you work, I love how God made you, I love how you write, I love that I can just chat with you in passing and be totally connected. I love that I get to see a glimpse of your family once a week and I love that we can relate to so many things about having lots of kids, (although I think you would have a very very much busier life and home than us!!!)

Be blessed, and like we were saying earlier, Let's try to keep our houses clean so we can stay HAPPY!!!!!! (just kidding)
Love ya